Wednesday, July 22, 2020

So, we have an office under the stairs here at home. It’s a nice little room no one goes into. It has been storing boxes from the last time we moved. I decided to clean it out. It looks really good now. Here is the thing. This room is where the return air vent is so the door has open slats in it for the air return. When the air in off, the cats can open the door with a paw. When the air turns on, they get trapped in there until the air turns off. It has become a game with them. Not a fun game for me. I sometimes sleep on the couch because my husband snores at times. Well, I was on the couch last night and the cats decided to play their little game. I had to go let them out 3 different times during the night. I finally got smart and put something in front of the door so they couldn’t get in. Good grief. They can be worse than children.

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