Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I’m sure if you have been following this blog, you know these animals all have their own personalities and their own way of doing things. My job is to figure it all out sometimes. Last night, I was laying in bed trying to relax and read a few minutes before I went to bed. All of a sudden I hear Daisy and her high pitched bark. I go in there to check it out. I could tell she was mad because Pepper was on a blanket. I told Daisy to cut it out and go to bed. Of course she just stared at me. I go back to my room and close the door. I mean, sometimes you just need a minute of peace. I had just sat back down and here she goes again. This time Maggie was on the blanket she apparently wanted. I pick up the 2 blankets none of them were using and put them in her crate. As soon as I did that, she went in and laid down. No more barking. She was fine after that. She makes me laugh for sure.

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