Tuesday, September 27, 2022


I was out feeding and Ronnie starts yelling that he needs my help. That only means one thing, something was wrong. He points me to a small opening between the buildings. As I went around to the back of that where there is a bigger opening and I see two chickens. One chicken was stuck and the other one was keeping the stuck one safe and protecting her. It’s sweet that Linda had a friend keeping her company and keeping her calm. Ronnie pulls the tractor over to move the building enough to get her out. He finally moved it enough and I was able to get her up. I do not know how long that poor girl was stuck in there but she did have difficulty walking. She hid out for a while so the other chickens wouldn’t pick on her. I feel so bad when stuff like that happens. Ronnie did move the building back so there was no room for that to happen again. We should be more like these chickens, one was in trouble and one stayed to make sure she was going to be okay. Wouldn’t life be easier if we had those people to lean on during the hard times?? 

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