Sunday, September 18, 2022


Remember Kenzie and I picking up a cat?? Kenzie named the cat Ursula Jewel. Long story short, Ursula took off the next morning. She was missing for a month. She finally made her way back. Me and a friend had gone somewhere and when we got back, there was Ursula. She was crying in the bushes. She finally comes out and I see she is injured. I had no idea what had happened to her, but she needed a vet. My friend was great enough to take the cat to the vet so I could finish setting up for the event the next day. She got back with the cat. The vet said it looked like it was a burn on her back from a car motor or a muffler or something. She has some burn stuff and an antibiotic. She is healing in our bathroom. I am happy she is back and is healing well.

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