Sunday, October 30, 2022

An Experience

This will be a long post so stay with me. Ronnie was contacted about some horses a family member had and they needed a home due to property being sold and no where for them to go. Ronnie said we would take the horses. Ronnie and I loaded up with the horse trailer and took off for Oklahoma. When we got there, the horses were much bigger than expected. We tried for hours to get the horses in the trailer. One did get in but he was so upset that his friends were not there, I thought he was going to kick the side of the trailer out. He ended up with a cut on his head from trying to get out. The girls would not get in that trailer. I’m hindsight, I do not think all three would have fit because they were so big. The oldest horses was so adamant about not going in the trailer, she flipped over on her back twice. The second time, Ronnie was leaned down by the gate and she fell over as the other one ran through the fence. Ronnie was hurt but did not act on it. After that, it was obvious this was not going to work on this trip. They let the other one out of the trailer. He was in no mood to make the trip without the other two. The owner was so upset we could not get them in the trailer. He said the only other option he had was to take them to auction and he knew where they would end up and he did not want that. We told him we would come back for the horses, we just need to figure out a better way to get them. The horses were already stressed when we got there. They had been moved from their pasture into the round pen and halters were put on them. They already knew something was wrong and they were not having it. Hopefully the next time will be easier. I cannot leave them to a date that is not desirable. They deserve better and we will make sure they are taken care of. Ronnie did end up going to the ER. I’m pretty sure his shoulder was dislocated but by the time we got to the ER 12 hours later, the doctor called it a contusion and gave him a sling. He is doing better now. 

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