Friday, October 21, 2022

Storms Rolling In

We had some storms recently. I have never really paid much attention to a storm coming in. I did this time. It was beautiful to watch. Then I stood out trying to get pictures of lightning for an hour. I did get a few. I enjoy that. It amazes me how calm all the animals are when the storm starts rolling in. The cows literally just lay down. Mattie and Noma were under the shelter until I came out and then they came over to me. They are funny. The pigs were all in their shelters. The goats were in their shelters. The sheep and Cracker Jack were out in the open by the gate, but I think that was because I was standing out there. Out here when it rains, it really rains. I think we had flood warnings out. It did not get that bad this time. I’m grateful for the storm. We need the rain for sure. The drought had been rough on everyone. 

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