Sunday, October 23, 2022


Well, I have been injured. A long time ago I ended up with a knee injury. It has been injured several more times since then. I had been doing really well the last couple of years with no injuries. I know my knee is unstable and I probably need to have surgery. I know what it feels like when I am about to have a problem and I work hard at not hurting it again. I was outside feeding. The dogs had been inside most of the day and had a lot of built up energy. I was not paying attention to them. Daisy and Bella were running around and they were playing. They hit me full force in the back of the knee. I cannot explain to you how bad that hurt. My knee popped back out of place. I have been hobbling around for almost a week. It is getting better but it’s rough. Poor Daisy heard my knee pop a few times. She stood right beside me looking up at me like saying she was sorry. I know they did not do that on purpose but she obviously felt bad. 

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