Sunday, February 2, 2020

Anyone that watches my Facebook farm page can see my poor pigs are in the mud. All the rain we have had is ridiculous and it’s so bad in their pens. I feel so bad for them. They don’t seem to mind but I do. I slip and slide and get stuck and almost fall daily. It’s just awful and we have more rain coming in. The only thing is, they do have a warm and dry spot to get into, so I know they are okay. I have been putting straw outside of their pens for them to lay on if they want to. It’s been cold so they haven’t been doing that. However, it’s been warm the last few and Spam and Treat have been laying on the straw. I sent pics to Ronnie of the mud and he said he was going to try to put drains in. Well, he did!! I’m hoping it helps. It was already helping in the big pig pen but we will see when it rains again. Thank goodness he does care about me and them. He works so hard all of the time and comes home to work here also just for a few days. We are going to extend the pens later this year to give them more room.

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