Sunday, February 2, 2020

We have animal 18 on the farm now. We brought a new dog home this weekend from a friend of mine. She is a 2 1/2 year old lab. There have been a few ups and downs with any new animal you bring in because they are in a different environment. She is terrified of going in and out of the door to go in and out. She may have a little vision impairment and the hallway to get in and out is dark. Sometimes we have to carry her inside she is so scared of the doorway. I know she will eventually get used to it. We also put a collar on her to our wireless fence. She got shocked which hurts my heart more than I can tell you. My husband took off the collar because she had stayed at the house all day. We literally went in for 5 minutes and she was gone. Ronnie found her at a neighbors house and the poor thing she was so scared he had to pick her up and put her in the truck. That was day 1. Day 2, she is doing much better. She has met all of the other animals and has no difficulty with them at all. I even have a mean old dog and she is fine with Bella. Bella is getting around the yard much better and she is loving the running around. Day 3. I’m already in love with this dog. She can shake and she will give you kisses. She is absolutely the sweetest dog I have even been in contact with. She was very well trained and taken care of. It definitely shows. She has a very sweet disposition and is a wonderful addition to this house. We stayed outside working all day today and she ran around the yard all day. She is exhausted. She is very curious of the farm animals and tries to get as close as she can to them. I’m so glad to have her here. Daisy is, too. She has a friend that will play with her now.

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