Sunday, February 16, 2020

Well, we have another rescue this week. I tell you what, I’m tapped out now. I cannot take any more animals in. So, I rescued a pig back in September and gave him to a friend of a friend. A couple weeks ago, she texted me and needed to rehome him because she didn’t have time for him. I knew this pig was about to be placed again and this would be his 4th home in a year. That’s not really fair to the pig so I agreed to take him. I just couldn’t let him continue to get rehomed. They usually get really depressed and don’t eat for awhile after being rehomed. It’s really not fun to watch. It breaks my heart. I made an appointment with the vet to get him neutered and they offered to pay for it. So me and the hubby picked him up Thursday evening and brought him home. I couldn’t put him in the pen with the others because he wasn’t neutered yet. I put the carrier in our feed barn for him to sleep in. I let him out to clean out the carrier and to give him food and water. What I didn’t expect was in taking an hour and a half to get him back in the carrier. Poor baby was traumatized from being moved. It was dark and scary in the barn. In that time though, he was able to eat out of my hand, show me he was happy with a Mohawk, did a belly flop for belly rubs, let me lay down next to him and gave piggy kisses. He was traumatized but still showed me love and affection. I saw him cry real tears that night, too which broke my heart. He had no idea what was happening. I spent a couple of hours with him and then went to bed. The next morning, I took him to the vet. He talked to me with his piggy noises. Same thing when I picked him up. I thought we would use a crate in the feed barn for a couple weeks but hubby decided differently. He actually built him a pen next to the one he will eventually go in. I have to keep him separated awhile after surgery, but they are all getting aquatinted through the fence. I have not seen any more tears and he is definitely not depressed. He is loving having more pigs around. I know things are going to be fine. He is a very loving pig. I’m glad to have him here. When I picked him up the first time, I really hated to give him up. He is home now. A forever home. He deserves it with all he has been through.

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