Sunday, February 16, 2020

Poor patsy has been constipated again. I’m not sure why. I water the pellets down for that reason. Poor thing was so miserable. I got some baby formula and mixed it with warm water. Added some pumpkin and baby food. I made enough for all 8 pigs to make sure they got enough. Works every time. It didn’t take long for her problem to be fixed. I absolutely hate when one of them is having a problem. It just makes me hurt for them. I will be adding more of these things to their diet more often so this doesn’t happen. It’s about once a month for poor Patsy. She is my timid little girl. She loves the pumpkin and eating off the spoon. Brutus got jealous and bit me for not feeding him off the spoon so I had to remedy that. Russ loves it also. Definitely don’t want him getting constipated after surgery. I’m watching him closely.

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