Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I am heartbroken tonight. My sweet Pepper is having difficulty walking. She is a 10 year old Australia shepherd, blue heeler mix. She has been with me since she was a puppy. She broke her leg when she was a puppy and she does have arthritis in that leg. She has a limp when the weather is bad but normally she doesn’t have an issue. She started limping last night and had difficulty getting into the porch. I thought she had something in her paw but she didn’t. I knew something was wrong because she let me touch her paw, she hates that. I left her alone last night and let her rest. This morning she was limping but not terrible. When I got home from work. She got up and went outside, she ate and did her business and I let her back inside since she seemed miserable. I got her inside and she collapsed. She was unable to get back up. I picked her up, all 103 pounds of her and put her on a blanket to make her more comfortable. She did more to a different blanket but she was scooting and dragging her back legs. She is still trying to play with me. I’m letting her test for tonight and if she isn’t better in a couple days, she will be going to the vet. I’m so sad. She has been my baby since she came to live with me. She has been through a lot in her life; broken leg, stones in her bladder, etc. She is such a good dog but she is struggling and I hate it. I’m sad tonight. 

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