Thursday, January 30, 2020

I am so tired of the rain!! I know that the rain is good and I’m a few months, we will be begging for it in Arkansas. But, right now, I’m tired of it. I’m so muddy and dirty all the time. My food bowls for the pigs are floating there is so much water and mud. I’m getting stuck and I’m slipping and sliding. If I feel this way, how do they feel?? I’m still able to clean up their poop and get that out of the pens so they aren’t laying in that which can cause illness but this is ridiculous. These poor animals. I’m really hoping we can figure something out for them to be more comfortable but if not, I’m hoping it dries up soon. I just hate it. It’s not good for me or them. I want the best for them and they don’t seem to care too much because they are rooting the mud up and seem to enjoy it. But, I look at it and get upset. May have to move the entire pen for them. I am trying to help them.

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