Sunday, January 19, 2020

I still am not up to myself so I did homework and was laying around today. I decided to do some quilting and was really not paying attention to the time. All of a sudden, I hear Cracker Jack start braying out of nowhere. I look at the time and it’s 4pm. That’s when I usually go out to love on the animals before I feed them at 5 pm when I’m not working. It amazes me how smart these animals are. They know where I’m supposed to be even when I don’t. I knew my dogs were like this, but all animals are like this. They like routine just like I do. My cats are difficult since they have an automatic feeder. But, Bubba will wake me up by standing on my chest and meowing and slapping me in the face until I get up when his food bowl is empty. It’s annoying and funny at the same time. I’m just amazed every time I learn something new about this herd of animals I have. I know them so well at this point of our journey. I know the goats different bleat noises, the pigs squeals, the cats meowing and the dogs barking. I just cannot describe the connection I have with them. I know it’s hard work and never ends, but they are so worth it.

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