Monday, January 13, 2020

Sweet Patsy

I have talked about Patsy before. I’m always wondering about her, nervous something is wrong with her. She isn’t running fever, she is eating and drinking fine, peeing and pooping fine. She has just never looked like a healthy pig to me. She keeps her ears back, her tail is always tucked. Very rarely do I see her wagging her tail. She jumps when I touch her. I have had her almost 7 months. She has always been like this. The other pigs don’t bully her and she is able to cuddle with them in the straw so that isn’t the issue. I really cannot put my finger on it. I know she is very shy and timid. She always has been. She knows her name when I call her and she deals with me when I have food. She lets me pet her when she is eating but that’s been about it. Tonight we turned a corner. I was standing outside the fence and she walked up to the fence. So, I went to the gate and she followed toward the gate. I put my hand down and she smelled it and took off. I went over and squatted down by the entrance to their shelter. She kept walking past me. I finally started petting her as she walked by and she stopped and let me. Then took off again. I followed her into the shelter and sat down. I was able to pet her way more than I ever had. Of course her brother, Brutus came in and practically sat down in my lap demanding my attention so that took away from her. She continued to stand there waiting her turn. I’m so thrilled that she let me love on her. She still hasn’t done a belly flop but I thought she was going to for a minute. She has to be the sweetest pig I have. She has also been the slowest to warm up. I just hope we continue with progress. I think she is finally starting to trust me. It’s been a long road but I’m still willing to put in the work.

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