Thursday, January 23, 2020

I had myself one of my freak out moments today. I’m sure you have read enough of these blogs to know I’m a panicker. I’m not proud of it, but that’s who I am. I was home really late tonight and so all of the animals were upset with me. That’s normal though when I’m late. I fed the donkey and goats and they got over it and ran back to their shelter. The little pigs ate so fast. I know I need to watch them for that. Pork chop was shivering but I felt his body temp and he was okay. It wasn’t to cold and wasn’t warm to the touch. He ran back to the shelter after eating. The other 3 weren’t shivering and their body temp was fine also. I got to the big pig pen and same there. All 3 had a body temp that wouldn’t raise eyebrows. I was standing by Gus and he regurgitated his food. Very little but I panicked. I started googling to make sure he was okay and any symptoms to be watchful of. It wasn’t much and I know he ate fast since I was 2 hours late coming home. Right after that he walked away and went into the shelter. No issues with any of that. I know the weather has been hard on them. It’s 70 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next night. That’s hard on anyone’s body. I will continue to check on them and I have broad spectrum antibiotics on hand here if I need them. Please pray I’m over reacting and he and Pork chop aren’t sick.

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