Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ok, I’m only posting this for educational purposes. I do not want anyone to get nervous because I know some of my family will. I’m fine. I have read so many posts on Facebook pages discussing to always get your animals fixed. All of my dogs and cats are fixed. My males pigs are fixed and my donkey and 1 goat are fixed. My female pigs are not fixed. Why you ask? I don’t have an answer. I have planned on it but it’s hot out or it’s muddy out or I’m afraid the incision will get infected outside and I can’t keep them inside. I could give you any excuse but it boils down to, I haven’t done it. I’m so busy with work and school and caring for them that I just haven’t done it. Last time I took Bacon bit to the vet he asked when I was going to get her fixed. That was in August. I have heard many times they can become aggressive if not fixed. They charge at people and bite people. Mine have never done that with the exception of spam and she does that when she is jealous also. Not just when she is in heat. And actually since I’ve learned her signs of aggression, I’m extra careful with her. I know what she is fixing to do. Tonight I got a different scene and I didn’t like it one bit. I was in the littler pig pen. I was squatted down and bacon bit wanted to be loved on, so I thought. She is a sneaky little thing. She gave me some sweet piggy kisses and then started jumping to get in my lap. What I now realize is she was starting to turn into an aggressive pig which I did learn quickly. She tried to jump on me and get to my face. Luckily I was faster than her. So, I started tending to a pig that is constipated. She is miserable. So I went in and got some lettuce and some pumpkin. When I came back out I was giving it to her. Bacon bit started jumping up on me and trying to bite me with me standing up!! She even almost got my pants to down she was trying so hard to bite me. I had thick pants on so she only got my skin through my pants one time. And she barely got that. She was so aggressive she was even blocking the gate so she thought I couldn’t get out. Let me tell you, it was a little nerve wrecking but it taught me something. I need to remember these are animals and they have instincts. They do what their animal brains tell them to. Regardless of how much I love them and I know they love me, they are still animals. I went out to check on them after this and she came out and stood by the gate to try again if I came back in the gate. I didn’t. I was able to pet her through the fence so I’m hoping tomorrow is better. I will be calling the vet to get an appointment for her and my Patsy who is constipated. I’m hoping the pumpkin took care of it because she was snuggled in and wasn’t looking uncomfortable a few minutes ago. I will stress that I am fine. This post is about education on pigs. I thought mine would never do this like I have seen other people post. I was very wrong. I’m not mad at her and not thinking of getting rid of her. I am going to fix the problem.

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