Monday, January 27, 2020

Confession time. My husband called last night and asked about all the animals. I thought he was joking. I spend so much time with all of those animals that I thought he was being sarcastic. So I made some sarcastic comment. He said, actually I’m serious. He told me that when I’m at work, he actually goes out and hangs out with the animals.  What?!? There is a chair out by the pigs and apparently he sits out there and gives them attention when I’m gone. I find this to be so awesome. I had no idea. So, I started telling him about the pigs and the all the rain and mud and how miserable they are and I am getting stuck in the mud. He is trying to figure out a way to put in drains to help get rid of the water and help with the mud and if that doesn’t happen, build another pen out of the mud. This makes me so happy. They do have a spot to go in their shelters that is dry and no mud, so I know they are okay but it’s still awful. I sent him pictures and he said that isn’t good and we are going to fix it. Makes me so happy!!!

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