Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Brutus Finally Loves Me

I finally have one of the smaller pigs that loves me. Finally!! Brutus has become a clingy pig. I have worked long and hard at this. Brutus has started meeting me at the gate and trying to get out to greet me. He follows me around even if I don’t have food. He will attack the other pigs if I’m giving them attention instead of him. He will crawl up on my if I’m sitting on the ground. He wants to be petted and loves belly rubs. The others tolerate me and give me kisses and let me pet them but not like Brutus. He follows me to the gate when I’m leaving every night. It is the cutest thing. He will nuzzle up next to me when I am sitting there for belly rubs. He gives kisses also. He just wants to be loved on all of the time. Gus is the same way. I had started to wonder if I would ever have the smaller babies start this. I finally have my answer. Definitely takes time, love and patience to get there.

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