Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So, this may be unbelievable and the video I took just doesn’t do it justice because I had to do it more than once to get any video. Of course it was perfect when I wasn’t videoing it. I am still working on socializing the smaller pigs. I have had 2 of them for 7 months and 2 for 6 months. They are still not completely socialized. Well let’s say 3 out of 4 aren’t. Brutus is getting clingy. So, I was sitting in the dirt in the pen and remembered hearing pigs like music. I decided to play some music. Brutus starting oinking and acting like he was almost singing. It was the cutest thing. It was amazing. Not only that, but the other pigs came close and they were all wagging their tails. I wish everyone could see these animals and how smart they are. I get amazed almost daily by something they have done or are doing. And sorry, I am unable to download the video!!  


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