Friday, December 27, 2019

A few days ago I was out in the pig pen after spending time with the donkey and goats. I had been out there awhile and start hearing the goats bleating. I didn’t know that’s what their noises were called but apparently it is. They just kept on and kept on. I couldn’t figure out what was going on and then I saw Cracker Jack laying in the field. I started running to get in the pen and calling his name. He normally gets up really fast but that day he wasn’t getting up. Of course I panic. My husband was in town but wasn’t home. I start calling him but he doesn’t answer. I knew he had gone to load up some wood. So I get out to where Cracker Jack is and he starts to get up. He made it up but he was struggling to get up and was really struggling to walk. I start checking his hooves and noticed he had mud and junk all caked into his hooves making it hard for him to walk. Thank goodness my husband got home about that time. He was able to help me get the donkey tied up so I could clean out his hooves. I was able to get it done with his help. Not sure why I panic but I do. All is back to normal with Cracker Jack now.

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