Sunday, December 29, 2019

I have finally figured out Spam and her aggression. She is such a toot at times. She will lunge at me and she will try to bite me at times. I keep my eyes on her all of the time because I know she does this.  I have finally figured out why she does this. It’s nothing but jealousy. I don’t give her all the attention and have just noticed that she only snaps at me when I’m petting on another pig. All she wants is my love and attention. I mean I had thought that’s probably what it was but wasn’t completely sure. The last couple weeks, she has really shown that was what the problem was. She will do this crying thing, sounds so pitiful, when she wants to be petted. If I don’t pet her at that one time, she will then snap at me. Poor girl just feels neglected, even though she isn’t. They are all spoiled pigs. She just wants my attention, that’s all it is. Since I have figured that out, she hasn’t snapped at me one time. I call that a win in my book.

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