Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Guys, I know you have probably seen the photos of Pork Chop giving kisses. This is such a huge thing. When Pork Chop and Bacon Bit came here, they were 2 very young piglets. They were clinging to each other got dear life. They were so small and so scared. I was determined to get them socialized. I would pick them up and love on them because I didn’t know any better. I was making them deal with me. Pigs don’t operate like that. You always let them come to you. They have to trust you. Well, the damage was done. When I got them in their big pen, they refused to have anything to do with me. I got them in May this year. It’s now December and he is finally coming around. They are both still skittish but getting better. They have also started eating out of my hand. There is hope yet!!! I’m not sure what all went on with those 4 in that pen, but all but 1 are still skittish. They are trying but it’s such a slow process. They were not handled at all as babies and it shows. What weird about that is 2 of them were bottle fed, which is also something you aren’t supposed to do. I don’t think it matters anymore. They are working on it. I am still out there daily and working with them. This shows progress.

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