Saturday, December 7, 2019

Call me pig crazy, that’s ok. I have been working with these little pigs for months. I mean months. I got 2 of them in May and 2 in July. So, like I said, months. I am not sure what it is going to take to get these pigs completely socialized. Brutus is doing well, but he was bottled fed. Took him awhile after he came here, but he is the most social out of the 4. The other 3 have acted like me coming around them was a terrible thing. They are better, too, but good grief. I have yet to get them to let me run their bellies. They do jump for treats and they will eat out of my hand also. That’s huge progress. The other morning, I went out to feed them. I don’t know why I did this, but I leaned down and started making kissy noises at them before I fed them. Pork chop came over and gave me kisses. This is a huge deal. It means he is starting to trust me. They will all let me pet them also know which is huge. Late today, I went out and just sat in the pen and he came over and gave me kisses without me having food. This is huge!! I’m hoping now that he has relaxed around me and Brutus has also that the girls will start coming around. I know it takes time, love and patience. I’m not sure what all they have been through up til now so it’s taking longer. We will get there.

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