Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Last night as I was whistling for daisy to come home, the sounds I received back was coyotes howling. I mean several of them and close. Of course I freak out. I have so many animals out there. I would bring them all in if I could, but then I would look a little crazy. Can you imagine, a donkey in the house?? No, me either. My husband would be so mad. They all have housing and the pigs are in a pen but I know coyotes can jump the fence if they want to. I also know they usually would rather get a meal without having to jump a fence. It still makes me nervous. So nervous, I lost sleep. When I don’t hear the coyotes, I don’t freak out like I do when I hear them. I have a light on the pens and the pigs stay in their shelters, but still. So last night, I literally didn’t sleep much. The dogs barked all night also and every time they would wake me up, I would pray that my animals were safe. I thought I needed to check on them, but I didn’t. I couldn’t force myself out of bed. I wasn’t resting but could get up. That’s almost an every night thing. I had nightmares so bad last night about coyotes. It’s ridiculous really but I prayed a thank you prayer this morning when I heard them all oinking. I know Cracker will take care of the goats and himself so I worry less about that pen. Good grief, sometimes I’m a mess and wonder about myself.

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