Wednesday, December 11, 2019

It was so cold this morning that I didn’t hang around to love on the animals. They didn’t hang out either though. They ate and went right back to bed. I couldn’t blame them. I did finally get home for a few minutes before dark. I was able to see all my animals without a flashlight.  That doesn’t happen much anymore except the weekends. I was excited and they were also. Treat was especially excited about it. She was super clingy tonight for some reason. That girl gets in all kinds of weird and uncomfortable looking positions just to get belly rubs. Gus and Spam then get jealous. They both snapped at me tonight but I didn’t care. My girl was letting me pet her and rub her belly. That makes me happy. Since the weather has gotten colder, I don’t get to do that much anymore. But today, I sat in the cold on the ground for a very long time to give her the obvious much needed attention she wanted. That girl started it all for me with pigs. She is definitely my baby. She made me smile today. I love all my animals but she holds a special place in my heart.

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