Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Well, I just don’t know what is happening. I think I’m blaming the weather. Maggie is still better, but she is starting to get some more open places in the same area she had them before. She runs outside and she is eating and drinking with no problem. Treat isn’t coming out of the shelter except to eat. She isn’t acting herself, but is eating and drinking. I’m hoping her problem is it’s cold out. Gus now has a weird spot behind an ear that hasn’t been there. If that doesn’t go away, the vet will be seeing us soon. However, Romeo is still doing well. Thank goodness. Carlos is healing up with his ear wounds. I’m telling you, having 17 animals sometimes is crazy. Definitely keeps me on my toes. I’m watching them all closely with the weather being so warm and then so cold. It really wrecks havoc on animals sometimes. I hope they all start feeling better soon. None of them are acting sick, just not themselves, but it hasn’t been this cold in a few weeks.

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