Sunday, December 15, 2019

I know a lot of people on here know about pigs and the fact that the mini pig stuff is actually a myth. So, for educational purposes, I want you to look at this picture. The top pics are my big pigs. I call them that because of how much bigger they are compared to my other pigs. Here is the deal though, the bigger pigs weren’t bred to be a “mini” pig. However, the smaller pigs were. Now, these are rescued pigs but you can definitely tell the difference. I have worked with the smaller ones and have put a lot of weight on them, but they are still very small. The top black pig is a little over a year old. The 2 pink ones are a year old next month. The smaller ones are between 7 and 8 months old. Can you see the difference?? It’s really a sad thing when you see it like this. Just wanted to share for some education.  This is also why there is such a pig epidemic in this country. I had no idea until I got a couple pigs and realized how bad things are. What happens is breeder breed them to be small which also leads to unhealthy pigs. The breeders tell people what to feed them to keep them small which stunts their growth further and causes more health issues. Another thing that can happen is the breeder will sell them why sooner than they should be away from the other and tell people they are older than they are to show them small, which also leads to health problems and sometimes death if the new owner doesn’t know this. Last point I will make is that more often that not, the pig will get bigger than the owner thought and then doesn’t want them anymore so they have to get rid of them. This is why all the rescues are full of pigs and why shelters are getting an influx of pigs and they have no knowledge of how to care for them. A mini pig is anything under 300 lbs. Pigs don’t stay small. There’s my education for today.

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