Monday, December 23, 2019

So, I thought I would be cute this afternoon with the little pigs. I brought in their food, which they are smart and knew what it was. I put it on top of their house and then tried to pet on them and love on them. They were okay with it for a minute but then Bacon bit literally knocked me down to the ground. I laughed so hard I was crying. Of course they were all checking on me. It wasn’t an aggressive knock me down, she wanted her food. After I got up, I surely did give them their food. Before I did though, Bacon bit gave me kisses. I got to pet on Pork Chop and Patsy. Brutus is so good, he was trying to crawl up on my back. If you have been following my story with these pigs, I have been trying to get them socialized for months. They are making so much progress daily. I love working with them and finally getting to love on them more. I am working toward them being friendly and cuddly with everyone that comes to see them. At one point, they just screamed and ran around the pen when anyone entered and then would hide.  Now, they greet me at the door. They are eating out of my hand and all of them will give kisses, on their terms though. You can’t push them. I only have one that will belly flop for rubs. The progress they have made is so amazing. I won’t stop working with them. They are here to stay, so they have plenty of time to make more progress. If anyone has pigs and they are frustrated with their progress, just remember, they have trust issues and some are harder than others to break through that, but it’s an amazing feeling when they finally do.

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