Monday, December 23, 2019

This weekend, we had some special visitors. One of my nephews has Down syndrome. He doesn’t know it and no one stops him from doing anything because of it. As it should be. However, he wanted to go into the pen with the goats. Of course I wasn’t going to tell him no, but I worried about Hercules. He is really bothersome most of the time. He demands attention. He will eat your shoelaces, which he tried with my older nephew. He loves to jump on people, and he did with my brother in law. Now, what I’m about to say makes my heart so happy. That goat did not one time jump on my younger nephew. He did not knock him down, like my dog did, which he was fine but good grief. That goat let him pet on him and run around with him, but did not do anything in injure him at all. I am so grateful my animals are so caring and so loving to everyone and everything. It truly was a special thing to see Hercules like that. I was leery of him and watched closely to step in if I needed to. Ben loves every minute of it. Pigs screaming and donkeys braying were intriguing to him. So fun to see. I sure do love those boys. So glad they all came down.

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