Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alright, I know I have posted about Romeo. He has had scours for what seems like months. We have been trying so hard to get him well. We have wormed him several times, given meds, changed food. He has never once acted sick but he has looked sick. He has had me stressed out for awhile now. I kept praying I wouldn’t come home and find him gone. I have been so worried about him. Today as I was spending time with them outside l, I realized, he was pooping normal!!! No more scours, which is diarrhea. I know that is a super weird thing for me to be happy about, but this poor goat has been really sick. He never stopped eating and drinking and I am so grateful for that. He hasn’t had as much energy but it’s coming back also. We still have him on some meds, so I’m thinking we are good now. Whew... it’s been so rough!!

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