Friday, December 27, 2019

I’m sitting out in the pig pen as I write this. I have been watching my sweet Patsy for awhile now. In all honesty, she has never looked like a healthy pig. She has been here since June. She still walks with her tail tucked and she always has her ears down. She is so very shy and timid. She will come to me but is still so scared. I wish I knew how to help her. She is doing so much better, I just cannot seem to get the break through I need with her. She hasn’t been feeling too well either the last day or two but no fever and is eating and drinking like normal. She seems better today. I really just wish there was something I could do for her that would help her understand that she is okay here. She is the one that was so depressed when she came here that she would stay in the corner and not eat. I have noticed recently that Bacon bit is top hog in this pen and is not nice to her. I’m sure it’s because she is so timid. I just hate to see this. It really breaks my heart. She is super sweet but doesn’t like you to try to pet her. Hands scare her so badly. I really just want her to be happy.

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