Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Oh this Daisy dog... I love her so much but she is such a pain in my backside. Anyone this knows me, really knows me, knows I’m not a morning person. At all, like I despise mornings. I snooze that alarm for as long as possible. I’ve always been that way. Well, the last few months, Daisy has been running off in the mornings. I definitely don’t have time for that. I feed all the animals and make sure they have water and that the water isn’t frozen. When Daisy runs off, I’m almost late for work most days. I haven’t been late yet but some days it’s close because she is roaming. Well, she is doing it at night also. Some nights I don’t think she is coming back because it takes so long. And it’s so cold. Brought her in tonight so she wouldn’t run off, she wasn’t having it. I’m afraid to know where she is at this moment. Earlier the UPS man dropped off some packages, usually I have time to grab her so she won’t run after him. Tonight I didn’t and she ran all the way down the driveway (and it’s long). For whatever reason, I thought it would be a good idea to walk it. By the time I got to the end she was running back and forth across the street which can be a busy highway. I didn’t think she would come back!! But, she did. She knows how to cross now though and I’m not sure she will stay here!! Oh that’s dog!!

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