Monday, December 30, 2019

I had a sweet lady ask me yesterday how often I had my dogs and pigs together. I told her honestly, never. I have seen so many reports of dog attacks to pigs and the pigs get hurt badly. I have never taken the risk. Daisy has always cried at the pens wanting so badly to play with them. She does this with the cats also. She is still a puppy and all she wants is to play. Here lately I have noticed Gus and Spam almost growling at Daisy and both of them lunging at her. Thank goodness there is fencing in between them. It might be bad. I’ve never seen daisy retaliate but that doesn’t mean she won’t. I do feel bad for her but I am protecting all of them. I have seen horrible photos of attacks between dogs and pigs. The pigs usually loose their ears in the attack. It’s really sad. It’s also said pigs start it. I can see it!!

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