Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Well, I’ve noticed some issues in the pen with the big pigs. I’m not really sure what started it or if it is ever going to stop or what to do. Spam and Gus are ganging up on Treat. That poor girl doesn’t get to eat like they do. They take as much as they can and she has to fight to get any. It wasn’t that bad and then things have progressed and gotten worse. Now that they have an enclosed shed to sleep in, if she doesn’t get in there first, she doesn’t get a good spot and they fight. They don’t fight bad enough for there to be cuts and scrapes but it’s an every day ordeal. Some days she seems miserable but at the same time, I’m not sure how she would do without Spam. That’s her sister and they have never been apart much except for vet trips. I’m just not sure what to do. If I should separate them or what. The other pen has 4 smaller pigs in it and I’m not sure they would be okay with her coming in but I don’t want her to be alone and I really hate pig introductions. They are brutal. I just want her happy. I’m not sure she is all the time. I hate it and feel terrible for her.

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