Sunday, December 15, 2019

I did not write this, but I think it applies since Christmas is next week. People do buy loved ones animals for Christmas. They don’t see that in reality the person they are buying the animal for is normally a child. Most children are not responsible enough for this. I hope this Christmas there is not an influx of animals in the shelter because the shelters are already full and that just means more euthanized animals.
This goes for any animal!
PETS: Before/After Christmas Warning
In about 4 to 12 weeks after Christmas we are going to be seeing the "We need to re-home our pet" Posts. These are the folks who purchased puppies as Christmas gifts who are suddenly allergic, moving, having baby, don't have time, their kids won't take care of it, didn't think they'd get so big (etc....)
To these people I say:
*You didn't know you had an allergy? oops. Don't let the pet suffer. Get allergy medicine.
*You're moving? what city are you moving to that doesn't allow dogs? Bullville? find a house/ apartment / condo that will ALLOW your furry family member. PERIOD.
* had no idea you were due to have a baby in 2 months? interesting. Get a dog trainer and suck it up buttercup, you're a pet mom and a human mom now, millions deal with this daily and manage just fine and so will you if you decide to. so just decide to do it.
*Don't have time for one 15 minute walk or to have a dog just sit next to you while you're home? really? So they're better off in a shelter than waiting in your house for you to get home? ok....get another dog to keep them company. find a solution that lets them stay in your home, it really isn't that difficult.
* mean your 5 year old didn't step up to the plate to feed, walk, and scoop poop? And this surprised you? I guess it's time for you to step up and be the model of responsibility for your own child.
*Wrong Size? not cute as an adult? not quite the personality you expected? look in a mirror... How'd you turn out? Should we send you back or make you homeless?
Grow up, you chose to bring this puppy home, not the other way around. You can bet "that" dog would lay down his life for you.. can you say the same for him or her?
I didn't make this post to offend anyone, but rather to open eyes, and take responsibility for those without a voice that had no choice in being a gift for Christmas.
Animals are not gifts. They are living things that require time, commitment, and resources. Don't bring a pet in your home if you don't have enough of all three to give it an adequate home.

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