Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Carlos is fitting right in. He has become friends with all of the animals in that pen. The goats all piled up in the same side of the loafing shed and protect each other. Cracker Jack usually stands in front of them to protect them also. I have really never seen anything like it. They have their own way of doing things and they are a big happy family. I also really have something else that has happened since Carlos came here... Lucky, one of the other goats has always been stand offish. He has never wanted to be pet and does not really want a human around at all. It’s so bad that whenever anyone but me goes into that pen, he runs and hides in the bushes. I don’t know why. We have never mistreated him and he came from the same place 2 of my other goats did, so I know the previous owners didn’t hurt him. They take very good care of their animals. So, I said all of that to say that Carlos has really bonded with Lucky and they go everywhere together. Carlos has also shown Lucky that I’m really not so bad. Lucky still isn’t the friendliest thing, but he will eat out of my hand now and he will tolerate a little petting. I’m grateful to Carlos for this. Lucky has been here close to a year and it took Carlos showing him it was okay. It really makes me happy that things are going so well. 

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