Friday, January 10, 2020

Full moon

I swear I haven’t given up on this blog. I have been so busy and just haven’t been able to write much. Been a crazy couple of weeks and I start school work again tomorrow. Come on May, I’m so ready to be finished. It’s been a rough several months. Never thought I would go back to school now, but I did.  So tonight is the full moon. The animals are acting like there is a full moon. They usually start the craziness a few days before. Pepper, one of the dogs has been more food aggressive and just nasty about it. Carlos has been hiding, I knew he didn’t run off because I could hear him talking to me, but I couldn’t find him and then out of no where, there he was. Pork chop has been dumping water bowls right after I fill them. Bacon bit has been trying to knock me over, like jumping on my leg when I’m bent down. Spam isn’t aggressive which is odd for her. Gus just doesn’t know what to do with himself. I was looking at Treat's ears today and she snapped at me, she never does that. The dog walked by the pens and all 7 pigs jumped to attention. Brutus is beyond clingy, whiny even for attention. Patsy is more stand offish but that isn’t too out of character. Cracker Jack is mad but not sure why. Hercules was trying to eat my coat and bit me instead. Daisy is bringing weird stuff home, like a trashed paper plate. Maggie is disappearing and reappearing lately. Lucky let me pet him tonight. Romeo seems normal. The only one out of 17 animals. Except I went out a night or two ago and the goats and donkey were not in their shelter, they were all behind the shelter which isn’t like them at all. Persia and Bubba are also clingy the last few days.

Some people may not believe the full moon stuff, but I sure do!!

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