Saturday, January 11, 2020


We got some ice today. Not too normal for this area. Yesterday was 70 degrees and today it was 35 with ice and has dropped into the 20s tonight. Apparently we had tornado warnings and stuff last night. I’m oblivious. Not the first time that’s happened. Not even the second time, I almost hate to admit. I had a tree fall on my last house several years ago from a tornado and I didn’t know for a few weeks. I think I always have too much going. Must have been bad when people from out of town call to check on you. Then makes it worse when your financial advisor calls to check on you. Guess I need a weather app. So, this morning, I got out and there isn’t any damage. I went and put straw in all the shelters for the animals to make sure they would stay warm today and tonight. The ice came in this afternoon but didn’t stay long. I went out to feed tonight and almost slipped on a railroad tie because it was icy. The feed barn was iced shut. Both of the locking mechanisms on the pig pens were iced too. That was fun, but I got it all finished. The animals came out to eat and went back to snuggle up in the shelters. Same with the donkey and goats. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

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