Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I am so ready for spring and all of these animals are, too!! Arkansas doesn’t get as cold as most places and a few weeks ago it was 70 degrees. Now it’s in the 20s at night and only getting in the 40s, maybe. It isn’t slowing these animals down but I know it can’t be pleasant for them. They do have warm, dry places with lots of straw to curl up in but I still hate it. I’m outside in a coat and 2 shirts, a hat and gloves... when I remember the gloves. I can’t take pics with gloves on. Most of the pigs wanted love tonight. The goats and donkey did last night. I check body temps when I go out there for the pigs. I watch for any sign of illness. They haven’t shown any. Body temps are okay. They are all eating, drinking, peeing and pooping. These are all important to watch for. They deserve the best and I’m trying to give it to them. I just hate the cold weather. Doesn’t help that I haven’t been feeling well lately either. I was watching the pigs tonight, I’m so grateful my little ones have put on weight. I was so worried about them when they were smaller. I also have noticed how much hair they have grown since cold weather hit. It’s just amazing to me and I learn something new everyday about them. The goats all curl up together their shelter and Cracker Jack stays in front of them. I’m so grateful my husband extended the lean to and put walls in there. Looking at it, it doesn’t look like it would keep them warm but when you walk to the back of it, it is warmer back there. I’m hoping for a huge barn in the near future so next winter will be easier on them and hopefully I don’t worry as much. Never did I think I would be doing this and it’s tough but the animals are worth it.

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