Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Do you remember Carlos?? The goat that I got after being attacked by the bobcat. He came here because his family was scared for his well being. I’ve had him since November. He kept opening up his wound on his ear somehow. The rest of the wounds had healed when he got here. Both of his ears were still scabbed over. He is completely missing one ear and half of the other. Bless his heart. I am happy to say that his ears have healed. He is doing so good here. He is such a sweet thing. Sometimes he does get run off from the hay, but he just goes to another pile. I’m so glad he is doing so well. I had no idea how this would turn out but I was so hopeful. It’s going so well. It’s like he has been here the whole time. Makes my heart happy. The other animals still protect him when sleeping so he gets the warm spots. They all lay around him and in front of him. That’s love. Don’t you wish humans could be like that?? If we all protected each other no matter the circumstances??

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