Friday, January 3, 2020

Different Stories

When you bring in unwanted and or neglected or abused animals, it can be a rough road. I have been so lucky with my animals. Each of them has their very own story. All of my dogs and cats came from bad situations. Most of my farm animals don’t have those stories, but they have a story. The point of this blog is just to say that animals are like humans in the aspect of emotions. They have trust issues and they get depressed. They need love just like a human does. Humans do better in pairs, but so do animals. They need to feel that love. They need attention and not just going out to feed and water. I know some people think I’m crazy because I spend more time with my animals than I do with humans most of the time. They deserve my attention and when I have free time, that is where I need to be. I rescued these animals to give them the love and attention they deserve. I love when other people come out and give them love and attention also. It really warms my heart when other people want to love on them. These animals are so amazing. I have given so many stories about them and their life here on my hobby farm. I could tell you each of their stories if interested. I never in a million years thought this is where I would be but I love this life on the farm. I won’t be taking anymore for awhile I don’t think so I can continue to give my attention to the animals I have. But, you never know.

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