Monday, January 20, 2020

Funny story. My husband has this thing about feeding animals twice a day. He thinks they should only be fed once a day because that’s how he grew up. Well, I feed the animals twice a day. I give the donkey and goats some hay in the morning and hay in the evening. I don’t do this when there is green grass in the pen, but it’s winter and there is no green grass. Cracker Jack brays at me when I come out and since it’s well before daylight, I give him the hay to make him be quite. I do have neighbors that can hear him. I got up and went out this morning in the freezing temps (23 degrees) and he was already up and fixing to leave to go back to work. He had fed the dogs and I didn’t gear the donkey braying.... I walked over and noticed he had thrown hay over to them. I laughed and said, did you do that to shut him up? He said, yep since that’s what my wife does. It really is funny. I want the best for these animals and I know that don’t get to eat the grass at the moment since there isn’t any. I want them to not be hungry all day long. I mean, pigs are always hungry and I read somewhere this week it’s because they don’t have the thalmus in the brain like we do that shuts off that hungry feeling so I know they are going to eat whenever. I give them a little in the morning and a little at night. I only have one that might be able to get away with not eating as much. Funny thing was, hubby gave those goats and the donkey enough hay to last all day, so I gave them a little feed tonight and they were happy. Never a dull moment here.

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