Sunday, October 25, 2020


 As you all know, our house is on the market. I usually leave the buyers alone so they can talk to the realtor. That’s the way it should be. The last few that have been here have taken an interest in why I have so many animals. It does my heart some good when I am able to tell them about the animals and why they are here. Yesterday was one of those days. I was able to hang out for a few minutes and let the kids in the animal pens. I’m sure they never thought they would be feeding a donkey or goats or petting pigs. They had so much fun yesterday. I love when I get to do that. The only downside is persia gets sick every time there is someone here. She has such anxiety, she literally gets sick. Poor thing. All in all, I do like to educate people on the farm animals and love for the animals to get attention. It warms my heart. 

The Wayward Pig

 I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of this journey with me. I know lately I have not been posting as much, but big things are happening. My book is in the process of being published and I have my first few copies in hand. It will be available to the public very soon. I am so excited. I am so grateful to each of you who have reached out for a copy. The money that I get from this project is going to something very special. I do not have the details all put together yet but I will say that it will be amazing. I have just finished my third book. I will start on another one after we get moved. Things are moving and happening quickly for me and opportunities are coming out. I am very blessed and grateful. These animals have been healing for me and I hope they can help others, in person or on pages of a book. I hope you will get a copy of this book. My mom got her copy yesterday and she was trying to read it, she would laugh and then she would cry saying it was touching her heart. My grandpa says it is remarkable and my grandma says it’s great. My friend who has a copy also says it is good. This book is in memory of someone that was special to a lot of people and who lost his life to suicide. We have all gone through the loss of someone special in our lives. Message me if you would like a copy and I will personally let you know when they are available to the public. Thank you for your support. God Bless. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 I learned something unexpected today. Oreo is a very vocal cat. He is my daughter’s cat and she has moved recently. For a while, he was searching for her and it was like he was calling her. He has adjusted to her move since he is still here and he is still with his friends. I did notice tonight, every time he uses the litter box, he announces it. I noticed in the other day and then again today. This cat is so funny. He does all kinds of unexpected things. He has been terrified of going into the kitchen area because the dogs are there, but he would get up on the gate and walk it like he was a gymnast. He finally got in the kitchen and he got on to counter, which they cannot do. Before I could get him off of there, he was standing there looking down at the dogs like he was a king. His new favorite spot to hide is in my bathroom sink.  It makes me laugh. Oreo makes things interesting and that was an unexpected thing when we brought him home. Rescues are the best. 

Clean Pen

 I have had a few people out here lately that have commented on the pigs living in a clean area. Well, pigs are cleaner than people think they are. They usually only go to the bathroom in one spot. I didn’t believe this until I had a pig, but it’s true. I keep their pens cleaned up for their health and honestly, I don’t want to walk in it. Tonight I was cleaning them up. Darla and Brutus decided to just lay down on the trash sack. I know they just wanted to help. Lol!! I got it all cleaned up for them. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Family Time

 We had family come out yesterday. I had not seen them in years. Many of you know Mya and I had written some children’s books and we self published them. This side of the family had bought the books for the kids and we corresponded over Facebook. When I found this out, I really wanted the kids to meet the animals, so they were able to come down yesterday. It is such a blessing to me that those books and these animals have opened up so many things. I love all of my family, but do not see most of them much at all. You know how it is, life is so busy for all of us. It was so wonderful to see them. One of the girls knew the characters in the nooks and wanted to know who was who. We had such a fun day. The animals got all kinds of attention and so many treats. I had no idea what I was doing when we got these animals but they have been a blessing in so many ways. 


 If it’s not one thing here, it’s another. Let the dogs out last night before going to bed. Before they were let back in, Ronnie noticed Bubba the cat was in the room. Daisy and Bubba had been getting along lately, so they were let back in. Well, Daisy had Bubba backed into a corner and Bubba was in a defensive stance. Daisy just wanted to play with him, but Bubba wasn’t having it. Pepper stepped in between Daisy and Bubba and went after Daisy, attacking her. Of course, I reacted and broke it up. No one was harmed, not even me, thankfully. Pepper was bleeding some from getting to Daisy, but she is fine. I had to scold Pepper and she walked away with her head down. I knew she was protecting Bubba, but that behavior can not be tolerated. She is still sulking today. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Grossed out

I am going to say this as nicely as possible. I am so grossed out right now. If you are a deer hunter and you hunt in a place around people’s homes, please pick up whatever is left of that animal. I am so disgusted right now!! I have 4 dogs and all of them had bones from a deer tonight. I had to take that away from them. I don’t know how long they have been there but you could smell it from a long way away. To top that off, I don’t leave my dogs outside because they run off and because of coyotes. Now my dogs smell like a dead animal. I am going to get them and everything else cleaned up. Seriously though, ummm... can you clean it up and get rid of it?? I’m having to pick it up one piece at a time and it is seriously not okay. I will spare you pictures. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020


 You guys!! Have you ever heard of a cat having anxiety?? Oh my goodness, I think Persia has anxiety. She has been acting strange for a bit and I just couldn’t put my finger on what was going on. She has been throwing up and hiding so much lately. I was talking to my husband about it and he says it sounds like anxiety. We have had so many people coming and going from the house being for sale that I think that really may be what’s going on. Every time I start cleaning she starts getting sick. It’s like she has figured out that when I start doing certain things that new people are going to be here. She has never been a really friendly cat so I think that is what’s going on. This is crazy. Poor little thing. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Adrenaline Rush

 A couple of days ago, the field in front of our house was cut for hay. I do think it is beautiful when it is cut out here. I also know it was time to do it. The first few days after it is cut, my dogs can see all the way to the road. They feel like since they can see it that they need to run toward it. At night. In the pitch black where I cannot see them. Go figure. Last night, with a full moon because you know weird things happen with a full moon, the dogs run off.  I go grab a flashlight to find them and get them back home. That was probably 10:30 or so. I get them settled down and I go to read a book for a few minutes before I go to sleep. Next thing I know, I hear all of the dogs barking and could have swore I heard a car in the driveway. Where I live, I don’t suggest just coming by late at night. I go back to reading because I thought I was just hearing the neighbors or cars on my road. Now, it’s almost 11 at night and the dogs are going crazy. Then I hear banging... on my back door. Ummm... what?? Are you kidding?? You think I’m going to the back door. You are crazy. I sit and wait. More banging. I’m thinking, ok, come on in. Let’s see what happens.. Then I hear the car leave. I jump up and go look. I see it’s a dark SUV. I don’t know anyone that drives a dark SUV. So, I text my husband and he says, call 911. Duh. Why didn’t I think of that?? I was starting to get a little nervous. I was prepared for a fight if need be though. So, I call 911 and tell them what happened. They said they would send a deputy. Not 3 minutes later I get a call. It’s a deputy. He says, ma’am I am very sorry if I scared you. It was me knocking on your door. A neighbor saw a flashlight out in the field and thought there might be something going on, so I came by to check it out. He said, I searched your property and didn’t find anything but I was trying to make contact with you to make sure everything was okay. At that point I start to laugh with relief a little bit. I tell him that I am fine and it was me with the flashlight. I apologized for not coming to the door but I didn’t know who it was. Needless to say, I was relieved a great deal after the phone call. Moral to this story is that sometimes people want to help you even if they don’t know you. The neighbor was concerned enough to call the police. I am grateful for that. Further more, I am grateful that the police were here fast if I had really needed them. It was nice for them to come check. This is what we need more of. Maybe not the adrenaline rush I had from nerves of not knowing what was going on, but the fact that some people do care about others.