Friday, October 2, 2020

Adrenaline Rush

 A couple of days ago, the field in front of our house was cut for hay. I do think it is beautiful when it is cut out here. I also know it was time to do it. The first few days after it is cut, my dogs can see all the way to the road. They feel like since they can see it that they need to run toward it. At night. In the pitch black where I cannot see them. Go figure. Last night, with a full moon because you know weird things happen with a full moon, the dogs run off.  I go grab a flashlight to find them and get them back home. That was probably 10:30 or so. I get them settled down and I go to read a book for a few minutes before I go to sleep. Next thing I know, I hear all of the dogs barking and could have swore I heard a car in the driveway. Where I live, I don’t suggest just coming by late at night. I go back to reading because I thought I was just hearing the neighbors or cars on my road. Now, it’s almost 11 at night and the dogs are going crazy. Then I hear banging... on my back door. Ummm... what?? Are you kidding?? You think I’m going to the back door. You are crazy. I sit and wait. More banging. I’m thinking, ok, come on in. Let’s see what happens.. Then I hear the car leave. I jump up and go look. I see it’s a dark SUV. I don’t know anyone that drives a dark SUV. So, I text my husband and he says, call 911. Duh. Why didn’t I think of that?? I was starting to get a little nervous. I was prepared for a fight if need be though. So, I call 911 and tell them what happened. They said they would send a deputy. Not 3 minutes later I get a call. It’s a deputy. He says, ma’am I am very sorry if I scared you. It was me knocking on your door. A neighbor saw a flashlight out in the field and thought there might be something going on, so I came by to check it out. He said, I searched your property and didn’t find anything but I was trying to make contact with you to make sure everything was okay. At that point I start to laugh with relief a little bit. I tell him that I am fine and it was me with the flashlight. I apologized for not coming to the door but I didn’t know who it was. Needless to say, I was relieved a great deal after the phone call. Moral to this story is that sometimes people want to help you even if they don’t know you. The neighbor was concerned enough to call the police. I am grateful for that. Further more, I am grateful that the police were here fast if I had really needed them. It was nice for them to come check. This is what we need more of. Maybe not the adrenaline rush I had from nerves of not knowing what was going on, but the fact that some people do care about others. 

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