Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Wayward Pig

 I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of this journey with me. I know lately I have not been posting as much, but big things are happening. My book is in the process of being published and I have my first few copies in hand. It will be available to the public very soon. I am so excited. I am so grateful to each of you who have reached out for a copy. The money that I get from this project is going to something very special. I do not have the details all put together yet but I will say that it will be amazing. I have just finished my third book. I will start on another one after we get moved. Things are moving and happening quickly for me and opportunities are coming out. I am very blessed and grateful. These animals have been healing for me and I hope they can help others, in person or on pages of a book. I hope you will get a copy of this book. My mom got her copy yesterday and she was trying to read it, she would laugh and then she would cry saying it was touching her heart. My grandpa says it is remarkable and my grandma says it’s great. My friend who has a copy also says it is good. This book is in memory of someone that was special to a lot of people and who lost his life to suicide. We have all gone through the loss of someone special in our lives. Message me if you would like a copy and I will personally let you know when they are available to the public. Thank you for your support. God Bless. 

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