Sunday, October 25, 2020


 As you all know, our house is on the market. I usually leave the buyers alone so they can talk to the realtor. That’s the way it should be. The last few that have been here have taken an interest in why I have so many animals. It does my heart some good when I am able to tell them about the animals and why they are here. Yesterday was one of those days. I was able to hang out for a few minutes and let the kids in the animal pens. I’m sure they never thought they would be feeding a donkey or goats or petting pigs. They had so much fun yesterday. I love when I get to do that. The only downside is persia gets sick every time there is someone here. She has such anxiety, she literally gets sick. Poor thing. All in all, I do like to educate people on the farm animals and love for the animals to get attention. It warms my heart. 

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