Friday, November 6, 2020


 I went to Texas last week for a job interview. I have never been in an interview that lasted 3 hours, but this one did. The crazy thing about it was, after a while, they wanted to try to get to know me. Of course, the animals came up. That entire place is full of animal lovers like me!! Some had pigs, horses, mini cows, etc. I knew this was the place for me and they hired me!! I have a job. That makes me so happy. Then, I got to see our new house and it’s super cute. The lady is leaving me her free range chickens. Things are going so well. I cannot tell you how amazing things are going. The new place is already set up for the animals. One of the barns needs a little work, but it is going to be great. We close on that house next week. Our house has been sold also and we close next month. I am so excited for this new adventure. I am sad about leaving also because my friends and family are here, but I know this is what I need to do. We move next week.