Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Rest of the Brutus story

 The day after picking Brutus up, it got really windy (apparently I have learned that is the normal here) and cold. We had not had time to get shelters together for the pigs. It had been warm so I wasn’t too worried about it. However, now it was cold. Ronnie and I were beyond exhausted but shelters were a must that day. We had only put up a tarp to keep the sun off of them and put out straw for them to cuddle up in. There was also a lean to where they could be, but it didn’t keep the wind off of them. They needed more. So, Ronnie went out to get supplies and we got to work. It took a lot of the day. He got a roof over an area and was able to block the side where the wind comes in on one area of the pen. Then there were heavy duty traps put in place since the wind here will destroy a regular tarp. On the lean to, he put up another wall and then used a tarp at the back so the wind couldn’t get in. Luckily Ladonna had brought us more straw from our barn at the old house, so we were able to put in more straw for them. Of course the bigger pigs took over the lean to and the smaller pigs got into the other area. Brutus did not leave my side all day. He was everywhere I was. He wanted belly rubs and attention all day. I was happy to give that to him. He missed being with his friends and was so happy to see them. It was pretty obvious he was grateful to be back with us all. I am so grateful to everyone who had a hand in helping us with Brutus. He is a special little pig. He is still very clingy even a week later. He wants to be near us. We will never know where he went or what he went through, but he backs up when that gate is opened. I don’t think he will run off again. Bless his little heart. 

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