Wednesday, November 25, 2020

More of the Brutus story

 So, Brutus had gone home and no one was there. My cousin and Ricky had locked him back in the pen. They lived down the street from that house, so everyday they went to feed and water him. I knew we had to get him here as soon as we could . Angie said he was sad and depressed and the pictures she sent, I would have to agree. He looked very sad. So many people went by to see him but he was still really sad looking. My plan was to drive home on Saturday to pick him up but I had put in almost 50 hours at work and had no rest because of the move. I had to do it. My dad offered to bring him to me but he was afraid Brutus would get away again. I definitely understood that. I didn’t want that for him or Brutus. My friend, Ashlea offered to get him halfway to me but she said the same thing. So, I called Ladonna. I knew she could get him. She agreed. That was a weight lifted off of me. I was so tired. Saturday came. One week since Brutus decided to be free. Ronnie and I get on the road. Ladonna calls and says she has Brutus loaded. Apparently he decided to give her a really hard time. They had to chase him and catch him to get him into a crate and then wants to bite at the crate sand try to get out of it. She said he finally calmed down after they put straw around him and started the truck. They even had to strap the crate closed so he wouldn’t get out. Oh my gosh. I’m so grateful to her. We drive to the meeting point. I’m so excited to see Brutus. They get there and move the straw so I can see him and I start talking to him. He grunts and smiles. Guys, he smiled!! He didn’t give anyone a hard time anymore. We switched him out of the vehicles and came home. It was a great reunion and I’m so grateful for the help. We got him home and got him in the pen with his friends. There were a few little fights but nothing major. Patsy was sure happy to see him. He was one happy pig. 

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